What is a detection bill ?
A ‘Detection Bill’ is served for:
1. illegal abstraction of electricity or consumption of energy;
2. direct hooking and
3. on account of slowness etc.
Detection bill for dishonest abstraction of electricity is assessed strictly in accordance with the provisions of section 26-A of the Electricity Act, 1910.
In case of direct hooking, whoever is found to have connected his installations, appliances and apparatus with the works of licensee (FESCO), for the purpose of supply of energy without its written consent, commits an offence to be prosecuted under section 39 and 39-A of the Electricity Act 1910, which requires an FIR to be lodged with Police. Further to compensate the loss sustained on account of theft of electricity, in pursuance of provisions of section 48 ibid, a detection/assessment bill is to be served, as per laydown procedures. The owner or occupier of the premises which are found, for the time being, connected illegally for the purpose of supply of energy with the works of licensee are liable for the payment of detection/assessment bill prepared and served.
Detection bill on account of slowness is to be served for slowness observed in the meter on mechanical or technical ground. Slowness is checked either with a Check Meter or by getting the meter tested with a appropriate testing equipment. Slowness is only attributed to mechanical or technical faults where ascertained that element of dishonest abstraction or consumption of energy is not involved. Charging on account of slowness continues till the meter is replaced. The period and amount of energy supplied to the consumer is determined/assessed after considering results of Check Meter/testing equipment, consumption pattern, sanctioned load, connected load or any other suitable criteria of the connection.
Although utmost care is exercised in the preparation of detection/assessment bill, however if at all you find any discrepancy or you have any other reservation, please report to your concerning officer
Remember to clear your dues immediately or your electricity connection may be disconnected.
I have constructed new house. How can I get an electricity connection at my place?
Dear customer “Application and Agreement” Form commonly known as A&A form is used to apply for new connection …
I was receiving petty bills for the last two months, all of sudden this month I have received a huge bill. What can be the reason ?
Checking the digits on your electricity utility meters never hurts, especially when the benefits involve saving energy and money. By learning how to read your electric meter, you can monitor your efforts and avoid being over charged or undercharged by the utility company .
Electricity meter are read once a month on the date given on your consumer electricity bill column No. 9. If you know, your meter has not been read, inform your subdivision.
If you observe a sizable difference when comparing the reading, this could result over charge or under charge in your next bill. In either case, please get it corrected.
What is a slab benefit ?
Slab benefit is automatically computed by the computer on bills containing accumulated consumption charges, on being undercharged due to wrong assessment in the past and the fault of not billing the consumer for actual consumption regularly every month or of under assessment in the past lies with the department
Where from I can get installments on my bill ?
Installments are not admissible at running bill. However installments can be given on arrears of electricity dues outstanding against the consumer and whenever electricity dues are allowed to be paid in installments, interest is charged at the prevailing bank rates.
In case of general connections for arrears amounting to Rs. 2,000. SDO is competent for not more than three equal monthly installments. Arrears amounting to Rs. 10,000. XEN is competent for not more than three equal monthly installments. Arrears amounting to Rs. 100,000. SE is competent for not more than four equal monthly installments. CEO is competent for not more than six equal monthly installments.
It is to be noted that the powers are only exercised in genuine and deserving cases and where the consumer has not defaulted in payment during the last six months. A written undertaking from the consumers concerned is obtained which should say that he would pay the installment bills, along with the current consumption bills regularly and he will not make any further request for the recovery of the electricity dues by installments as a condition precedent to his retaining the electricity connection.
Electricity at my place was disconnected due to nonpayment. Now that I have cleared my dues, How can I get my place reconnected?
All the disconnected consumers are reconnected only after clearance of outstanding dues. A reconnection order (RCO) is authorized by concerning Customer Services Officer (CSO) …
In case of arrears of electricity dues from the defaulting disconnected consumers applying for reconnection and installments, a written undertaking will be obtained on a stamped paper of the required value to the effect that until the arrears are cleared in full, along with his current consumption charges, his premises is liable to be disconnected forthwith due to nonpayment of any installment or current consumption bill. For reconnection apart from other formalities fresh security deposit is also to be paid, at the prevalent rates and you will have to execute fresh agreement as a condition precedent to obtaining reconnection. Supply to the premises will be restored only on the payment of first installment and completion of all other necessary formalities.
I have received arears on my bill, whereas I have nothing outstanding, what can I do now?
If arrears have been included erroneously, you can get it corrected, on showing your previous bill’s bank receipt, from subdivision, customer service centers or from the bank branch while depositing your bill.
Learn how to read your electric meter.
For the last few months I am receiving very heavy bill, how can I trim my costs?
You can determine how many watts an electrical device uses or the total amount of electricity being used at a particular point of time.
I have a domestic connection but now I want to open a Boutique at my place, am I required to get my Tariff changed?
Yes, however, change of tariff is permissible only on running connection and where technically feasible ..
I have installed new plant at my shop, now how can I get my load extended?
A&A form is used to apply for the extension of load. On depositing the difference …
I am receiving defective estimated (def est) reading on my bill, what is that?
If your meter is declared defective, you would be receiving an assessed bill based on your consumption during the corresponding months of last year, that is estimated bill due to defective meter at your premises, which should be replaced immediately. It is the policy of the company, on observing a defect in the meter, a ‘Check Meter’ is installed immediately, so that accurate electricity consumption is measured and correctly charged. However due to certain unavoidable circumstances, if Check Meter is not installed you would be receiving estimated bills marked ‘def est’. It is further added that on the same bill age of defective estimated bills is also recorded and if your meter is not replaced within 2 to 3 months you should contact your subdivision.
My house is 60 meters away from the existing pole, how much I have to pay to get an electricity connection?
Lumsum charges policy for the new connection is given here.
I have bought this place recently, the bills I receive are in the name of previous owner, how can I get it corrected?
Change of name is applied in the same manner as prescribed for new connection …
I have a seasonal guest house in Muree, I want to get it seasonally disconnected?
A premises can be temporarily disconnected at the written request of the consumer for a specified period. In this event you are required to … more details
I want to get my sanctioned load reduced, do I have to pay anything extra?
Difference of security deposit on revised/current rates is not to be charged for reduction of load.
In my area there are frequent problems of electricity shutdowns, where to go now?
Dear customer there can be number of reasons for the shutdowns, but the most frequent problem encountered is overloading of distribution system. In order to get it rectified please contact your sub divisional officer, who will be able to indicate exact nature of problem in your area and remedy for that
I can’t read your bill?
Dear customer our bill is very user friendly. You just need to understand the format of our bill for your convenience, we have explained the format.
Where to find my concerning customer services officer?
Dear customer in the column No. 34 of consumer electricity bill. The name of the division is written where your concerning Customer Services Officer (CSO) sits. Contact details are available.
I have not received my bill?
Dear customer duplicate bills are available at our customer service centers. If you are frequently not receiving your bills in time, please contact your sub divisional office.
Your helpline is always busy, where to call now?
In case you are unable to contact, our local area helpline, please contact our central control center or
How can I get my connection shifted to a new place?
Shifting of connections is allowed on certain terms and conditions, where technically feasible ..