12 Golden Rules To Save Electricity
Here the 12 golden tips to save electricity and save money by following these rules. Save electricity save money.
- Turn of all the unnecessary light.
- Plug off charger after you cell is fully charged.
- Use energy saver instead of ordinary lights.
- In offices use sun light as much you can during office time.
- Rare use of much electricity devices such as( Air conditioner, Iron, Electric Heater, Water Pump, Microwave, Electric Kettle, and Washing machine) .
- Less use of electricity during Peak time.
- Always use AC at 26c°.
- Never putt devices on standby mode.
- In shopping malls use less lights.
- Use less electricity equipment’s in industry.
- Turn on light when consumer arrives otherwise use of needy lights.
- Use standardized cable in wiring to save energy.