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FESCO Online Bill-Print Duplicate Copy

FESCO Online Bill February 2025-Print Duplicate Copy

FESCO Online Bill-Print Duplicate Copy. Check FESCO bill online at It is easy simple and  easy to use this website, where you can view your fesco bill. Here you can check your current month’s fesco bill with amount , the due date, and view your full bill. You can print a copy of the fesco bill, or download your FESCO WAPDA electricity bill for payment and save a copy for your record. So, Enter your 14 Digit reference number below in the given box to check FESCO Online electricity bill.

Enter Reference #/ Customer ID

Reference #
Customer ID

To check FESCO online bill, you just need 14 digit reference number or your 10-digit consumer ID. If you don’t know your fesco bill reference number where to find it, please look at the image below and see the red highlighted area:

Fesco Bill, Copy of Fesco bill online check
“Sample Bill To find the Reference Number”

Now, if you are looking for a Fresh and up-to-date bill or searching to get your FESCO Duplicate Bill, then just enter your reference number in the input field above and see your bill amount. is an easy-to-use website that makes it simple to get fesco utility bills.


About FESCO:

FESCO distributes and supplies electricity to about 4.81 million customers within its service territory with a population of over 26 million under a Distribution License granted by the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) according to the Regulation of Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997 (NEPRA Act). Electrified Area Of FESCO: company Faisalabad, Sargodha, Mianwali, Khushab, Jhang, Bhakkar, T.T Singh, and Chiniot districts.

FESCO is known as the best electricity distributing company in Pakistan in terms of operational performance, as it has a low degree of distribution losses and a high rate of bill collection.


FESCO consist of eight (08) region covering. FESCO area described as under.

Faisalabad Sargodha Mianwali
Khushab Jhang Bhakkar
T.T Singh Chiniot Districts

If you want to check the Faisalabad electricity bill or the wapda bill in any other city that is listed in the table above, you are in the right place. Just enter your bill reference number and see the latest FESCO bill.

FESCO Online Bill-Print Duplicate Copy
“Faisalabad Electric Supply Company”

FESCO Bill Information:

At, you can quickly see the fesco bill amount with the due date, and then you can also view the full fesco bill online where you can find the meter reading date, bill issue date, and the amount to pay after the due date with added surcharge, etc. Whether you want to check your bill is paid or not, you can only check this status for last month bill. For this purpose, you can open the full bill, and refer to the bill payment history where you can find the record of the last 12 months and see the paid amounts.


The connection date tells about when your connection installed on your premises.


Connected load means a load of your house, shop, industry, and tube well at the time of using electricity.


Billing month when you meter reading and consumed units calculated.


The date on which the meter reader takes the reading of your meter.


When the fesco bill is generated from the Computer Center or printed by the CC


The date when you have to pay your fesco bill is called the due date.


Fesco consumer consists of 10 digits. Fesco consumer can check their bill by using their consumer id.


The fesco bill reference number is the key to checking the k fesco bill. consists of 14 digits.


Old reference number is shown when the reference number is changed due to ratification or change in n area of electricity by the authority. Then the new reference number is allotted to the fesco consumer


Fesco bill load is the load that is approved by the authority on the demand of the consumer. When the consumer of applies  for new connection then fesco consumer fill the form how much load he needed.


Fesco Tariff shows that what kind of connection is running at the site. It may be domestic, commercial, industrial or agricultural etc.


Division show that a big part of city belongs to on division.


A division is further is divided into sub-division for the consumers complaint redressal


Lock age shows that the meter is not in use and being locked by the authority. it will tell how long or how many months it is being locked.

NO of ACs:

It you are using air conditioner then in this box it will show number of air conditioner you are using.


In any case you do not pay your bill then in the box it will appear how many month you haven’t pay your bill


Feeder name shows your area of electricity or line named.


Meter No is the id of your meter installed at the site it is printed on the meter and inside the software of digital meter.


It shows the previous month reading on which you fesco bill was issued.


Your FESCO bill will be generated on the present reading. It means current month reading status.

Read More

Fesco Peak Hours:

Fesco recommends to decrease electricity consumption during peak hours which will help to lessen your electricity bill amount, and help to stabilize electric supply to the entire region. Here are the Fesco peak hours:

From April to October 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM
From November to March 6 PM to 10 PM

How to check FESCO Bill?

Here are steps to check fesco bill online:

  1. Visit website.
  2. Enter 14 digit reference number.
  3. Now you will see the latest bill amount with due date.
  4. Click on ‘View Full Bill’ to see complete bill or download copy of the bill.
  5. Click on Domestic/Shop Bill if you are Domestic/Shop consumer.
  6. Click on Industrial/Agricultural if your are Industrial or agricultural consumer.

Check Fesco Bill without Reference Number? is responsive website and you can easily view your bill amount on all kind of devices (desktop/mobile). All you need is the 14 digit reference number to check your Fesco online bill that you can find on any old bill copy. You can not check it by CNIC or name but you can check your fesco bill by customer id which is consist on 10-digit. If you live in Fesco Area of electricity , you can check your bill at website.

New Connection or Transfer Procedure:

New connection and change of name or transfer are the same as you apply for new connection .Please read the new connection instruction here. If you purchased a new property where FESCO connection already registered with the previous owner, and you want to change name on the bill, you will have to follow same procedure like new connection. You can visit the nearest office and apply for the name change or correction.

Taxes in FESCO Bill:

Here is the list of common taxes that you usually see in the FESCO bills:


FPA stands for Fuel Price Adjustment. The FPA price in FESCO bill belongs to the fuel pricing of rental power companies that generate electricity from Crude Oil etc. You can see this amount in your bill when there is fuel price fluctuation.

TR Surcharge:

T.R stands for Tariff Rationalization Surcharge. This is NEPRA and GOP tariff difference. If difference is positive, it will be payable by GOP as “Subsidy”. However in case of negative difference, the Distribution Company will pay to GOP as “Inter DISCO Tariff Rationalization Surcharge “.

FC Surcharge:

FC means Financing Cost. The officials decided to charge 43 paisa per unit as FC Surcharge, to secure collection of debt servicing of the Power Holding Private Limited.

Deferred Amount:

It is disputed amount and basis may be different. it may be a court case or other dispute b/w the department and the consumer. This is the bill amount that you have choice to pay in the same month, or later one. There are no late payment charges on deferred bill, and your next bills may include this amount in installments or full.

QTR Tariff Adjustment / DMC

This is quarterly tariff adjustment amount. You may see this amount in your bill after every 3 months.

If you want to calculate estimate bill amount, you can use the FESCO bill calculator here.

Feel free to Contact Us for any other questions, or visit the Helpline Page and call related office to get required information.


How do I download FESCO bill online? Visit, enter reference number to check quick bill, then open full bill and there you can download FESCO WAPDA bill for free.

What is FESCO Bill complaint number? Call on 111-000-118 to contact FESCO headquarter. Read more about fesco helpline here.

Can I calculate FESCO bill online? Of course, you can calculate estimate bill amount by entering consumed units by using FESCO online bill calculator.

How can I get FESCO duplicate bill? You can get FESCO duplicate bill at FESCOBILLS.NET by entering 14 digit reference number.

Can I check FESCO bill without reference number?  Yes sure you can check it by consumer id but You can not check FESCO electric bill with name, CNIC , address or meter number. Reference number & consumer ID is necessary to check FESCO electricity bill, otherwise you can call helpline or visit the nearest office.

How can I change name on my bill? You can apply for name change in FESCO office. The process to change name is same like new connection.

How to check my FESCO bill is paid or not? Currently this feature is not available. You can call helpline to confirm the bill payment.

What is FPA in FESCO bill? FPA is Fuel Price Adjustment. It’s a amount that added to your bill  on fuel prices fluctuation.

Can I check old bills online? No, currently this feature is not available online. But you can visit the FESCO headquarter to get old bills record.

What is FESCO detection bill? A Detection Bill is issued for
1. Illegal abstraction of electricity or consumption of energy.
2. Direct hooking or electricity theft.
3. On account of slowness of electricity meter.
You can contact us if you have any other queries.

 How can a consumer disconnect TV Fee from his Electricity Bill?

Get a particular From, from concerned RO/AM (CS) fill it and submit to this office with CNIC copy.

How can a consumer change its Tariff from domestic to commercial?

Application for change of Tariff with under mentioned documents sent to SDO office, at least in two or three days tariff will be changed.
a. Copy of CNIC
b. Last paid Electricity Bill
c. Affidavit of Rs.20.00

What is mean by minimum Charges?

An amount should be paid by a consumer in case of calculated variable charges are less
than the under mentioned minimum amount:-

              Tariff Phase              Type           Rate Per Month

    • Domestic (A1)     Single Phase        75/- Rs
    • Commercial (A1) Three Phase       150/- Rs
    • Domestic (A2)     Single Phase       175/- Rs
    • Commercial (A2) Three Phase       350/- Rs